...this year is a pause, a break, a moment. That wonderful few seconds (or if you're lucky minutes) where you stop, breathe, and look around you. The room may be filled with torn wrapping paper shreds, strewn boxes, and squeals of happy children enjoying what they'd found inside. Or it could be sitting by a fire with a glass of wine looking at the presents under the tree, wrapped and ready for those you love to come open them. It might even be at the end of the day on December 25th, when you head to bed exhausted and go to turn out the lights and you look around you and see Christmas everywhere. During these brief clock ticks, may Your heart swell with love, happiness and joy. Ripped paper and bows, dirty dishes, and unswept floors can wait. Enjoy being with Your Family, Your Friends, or even Your Neighbors. Get caught up in the Christmas spirit! Let it transport you for a few minutes and distract from all the things you ought to be doing. Soon enough the baseball practices start, the beginning of a New Year brings new resolutions, and life takes flight and we soar through another year. Don't miss a chance to stop, look and listen. This is best gift you can give yourself, and one I wish for you!
Merry Christmas Everyone and have the Happiest of New Years, too!
